11th Annual MVP Tournament

It’s that time of year again !!!

11th Annual MVP !!!

3 Day Event February 21st -23rd

Friday Feb. 21st
Coed Quads Hi/Lo
Entry Fee: $100 per team
12 team limit.
Sign in: 5:30 pm. Play begins 6:00pm

This year women’s quads will start the day.

Saturday Feb. 22nd.
Women’s Quads & Men’s Quads
Entry Fee: $100 per team
12 team limit for both
Sign in: Women’s 6:30am. Play begins 7:00am.
Sign in: Men’s 3:30pm. Play begins 4-4:30pm.

Sunday Feb. 23rd.
Entry Fee: $50 per team.
16 team limit.
1st. Round sign in: 8:30am.
2nd. Round sign in: 10:30am.

Entry & Roster deadline: Feb. 7th. 6:00pm.

Once each tournament is full the waitlist will start.

Any team w/o full roster by deadline will be replaced by top team with full roster from the waitlist.
